The first "Ciancio Dj" website was born in the
mid-90s and more precisely in 1996. Only 3 years earlier, in 1993, the first
Italian website "www.crs4.it" had been created in Sardinia. Antonio
Stanzani began programming as a child in "Basic" machine language
with the very first Commodore computers and then moved on to the first PCs with
Windows 3.1 in the early 90s. In 1995, in partnership with a childhood friend,
he created and inaugurated one of the first e-commerce in Italy
"www.italycol.com" where fine wines and local food products were
sold. In 1996 the first “Ciancio Dj” website was born (you can find a “mirror”
at the link http://web.tiscali.it/cinema56/), essentially focused on music, cinema,
the world of the paranormal and mystery. In the early 2000s there was a real
revolution regarding HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and the site was
completely redone in three languages (Italian, English and Spanish). In 2018
the website "www.cianciodj.it" was renewed and the first biographical
pages of the singers and musical groups were added. In that same period, the
first videos of the vinyls with the information corresponding to the song were
also published on Antonio Stanzani's YouTube channel "Ciancio DJ".